Thursday, September 22, 2011

Importance of Saturn and Jupiter's Transit

Dear Readers,

Saturn and Jupiter are slow moving planets. Saturn on an average takes about 2.5 years to transit through a sign and Jupiter approximately takes about 1 year. Therefore transit impact of these two planets gain importance on two folds, firstly they are in a sign influencing the sign for a long period and secondly the important effect that is causes.

Let's probe this in further detail.

Saturn and Jupiter rule the last 4 house of the kalpurush chart. A Kalpurush chart is nothing but a chart starting from Aries as the lagna.

Sagittarius is the 9th house
Capricorn is the 10th house
Aquarius is the 11th house
Pisces is the 12th house

Sag and Pis are ruled by Guru or Jupiter and Cap and Aqu are ruled by Shani or Saturn.

These are very important house and they have a profound influence on the native.

9th house is that of Luck and its the Karak for Gyan, knowledge and wealth (2nd house)
10th house is that of karma and its the Karak for one's parakram or effort (3rd house)
11th house is that of success and its the karak for one's happiness and knowledge (4th house) and
12th house is that of Moksh and ultimate happiness and its the Karak for the house of crown and utilization of knowledge (5th house).

Now, the effect of the transit of Saturn and Jupiter will effect each chart in a different way. There is no one cap fits all. For some people the change of Saturn or Jupiter might cause a lot of problems and for some it might them positive and there will be a remarkable difference in their approach and attitude to life. They might feel more rejuvenated and things that were stuck up and they felt unlucky, might start to feel that luck has started shining on them. Some people's money might be stuck up or a contact that was pending, suddenly will get cleared and some might be able to communicate well, removing the issues caused due to mus-communications and some might be able to get rewards for their hard work. For some, they might experience that some of the concepts that they had a hard time understanding, be it so as a student or in work, people hit these mental blocks, are unable to think out of the box, suddenly might get this flow of new ideas flowing and might get the "Ah ha..." moments.
Some of the people might be facing issues on the home front. There might be constant hurdles, problems one after the other, as soon as they deal with one problem, three other show up and one face arguments with their family and loved ones, might start to see a change, if one were to understand the beauty of the transit of these two very big and powerful planets.

Understanding of the effect on how it will play out in your chart, one can consult me in private via

Using the power of KAS and Ashtakavarga one can study the effect of this transit and its effect on one in great depth.

Cheers !!!
Ash ->

Now how it will work for you, has to be read

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Saturn and Mars

Dear Readers,

Saturn or Mars planets are most probably the most feared planets. They are natural malefics in a chart. Why do people fear these planets?

Fear arises due to lack of knowledge. If one spends time in understanding these two planets, one will stop fearing these planets and instead will wait for these planets to bestow their grace on the native.

Some might think, I am crazy, but wait, lets take a bit of time to understand these planets.

Just take a 50,000 Sq Ft view of these planets and their rulership in a Kalpurush chart. Kal prush chart is nothing but a chart who's lagna is Aries.

Mars is given the lord ship of the 1st house and 8th house and Saturn is given the lordship of 10th and 11th house.

The 1st house, is the most important house in the chart and that depicts SELF. The 8th house is both the beginning and ending of life.

Saturn on the other hand rules 10th and 11th house. 10th house is the highest point in the chart and it denotes Profession of the native and 11th house is that of Success of the native. Saturn rules upchay sthan of the house of growth, heap and prosperity of the Lagna.

Now, take a few minutes to think about what I wrote above. The 1st house and 10th house are very important house. 1st house is that of Dharma, 10th house is that of Artha, 11th house is that of Kama, and 8th house is that of Moksh. So these two planets are rule all 4 pillars of a life and these being Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksh.

If a persons 1st house, 10th house, 8th house and 11th house are spoiled, then one can only imagine what would become of the native. If these two planets are spoilt in the chart, then the four pillars of life get disturbed and a person will not be able to do any work nor will get any success and that would affect his confidence and individuality.

Now, if these planets become powerful in a chart then the status of the entire chart will go up and its only people with strong Mars and Saturn who will leave a mark or will be capable to take on huge endeavors or can do big and amazing things in life.

Just think about it, 1st house is for SELF, 8th house is for Individuality, 10th house is for Profession and Karma and 11th is to achieve success.

So, does this make you sit back and think about the power that these two natural malefic planets have.

This will also make one think about the portfolio of the planetary cabinet as well. Why is it that the Maharishis allocate the most important house to these Natural Malefics? What was the purpose of it?

To understand this question, lets start to delve deeper and study them as Karak planets......

To be continued.........