Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Explaining Laghu Parasari using KAS - Verse 11

Laghu Parasarai says

" 11. Mercury has less of this evil nature as compared to Venus; the
Moon has much less than that of Mercury. The same way the Sun and the
Moon are not evil being Asthmesh (lord of the 8th)."


Mercury is more benefic than Venus for that you can see the total
bindus in lesson one. Mercury has been allocated 54 benefic points
and Venus has 52 benefic points.

Moon hsa much less than that of Mercury it says, and if you check the
bindus allocated to Moon its only 49 bindus or benefic points so
compared to Mercury's 54, Moons is far less of 49.

In KAS we say that Sun and Moon are not malefic as 6th lord or
saptemesh but in laghu parasari its given for Ashtemesh.

6th house is what we take as most malefic and infact from 8th house we
see death which is most auspicious event as per KAS and will happen in
highest power planet or LoD or LoE etc.

Cheers !!!
Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca