Thursday, November 6, 2008
Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksh
Artha are 2nd, 6th and 10th
Kama are 3rd, 7th and 11th
Moksh are 4th, 8th and 12th.
1st house is physical plane, 2nd house is mental plane and 3rd house is on
spiritual plane and cycle continues
1st house is Dharma on Physical plane
5th house is Dharma on Mental plane
9th house is Dharma on Spiritual plane
2nd house is Artha on Mental plane
6th house is Artha on Spiritual plane
10th house is Artha on Physical plane
3rd house is Kama on spiritual plane
7th house is kama on physical plane
11th house is Kama on mental plane
4th house is moksh on physical plane
8th house is moksh on mental plane
12th house is moksh on spiritual plane.
The house that we have defined in VA has some base in this. For example, we
say 12th is most powerful moksh as it is in spiritual plane, same way 9th
house is most powerful trine as its dharma on spiritual plane and 3rd house
is kama at a spiritual plane.
4th house is moksh and here Moksh is right here in this life time i.e.
ultimate enjoyment or bliss and that is at a Physical level and all kinds of
fixed assets like home, car etc we see from 4th house. From 8th house is
the next generation of it i.e. if 4th is knowledge then 8th house is
research and enjoyment on a mental plane and the next generation of that or
the next advancement of using 8th is 12th house is enjoyment at a spiritual
10th house we see for authority which is at a physical level so the
authority that we hold on physical plane and 2nd is the next generation of
that i.e. family or wealth and 6th is on the spiritual plane and that is the
status or social status of the native.
Next level of understanding this would be Karak theory.
8th house from any house is the Karak sthan. For example in Kalpurush
chart, the karak for authority i.e 10th hosue is Sun as it is natural 5th
lord and it is 8th from 10th house. So like that.
Now for 1st house i.e. Dharma the Karak is Moksh Sthan. Similarly you can
add that for Dharma on a physical plane the Karak for that is Moksh on a
mental plane.
So summarizing for all house
For Dharma trikon, the Karak of Dharma is Moksh. For 1st house the karak is
8th, for 5th house the karak is 12th and for 9th house the karak is 4th
Similarly for Moksh trikon the karak is Kama. i.e. for 4th house the karak
is 11th house for 8th house the karak is 3rd house and for 12th house the
karak is 7th house.
Similarly for Artha trikon the karak is Dharma. i.e. for 2nd house the
karak is 9th, for 6th house the karak is 1st and for 10th house the karak is
5th house.
The next level of depth would be to go to Mool Karak level which is the
Karak of Karak.
So for say 7th house the karak is 2nd house which is the karak and the Mool
karak or the Root Karak is the 9th house which is the karak of karak i.e.
karak of 2nd house.
So 7th house is Kama on physical plane and that is desire manifested at
physical level so we denote wife from 7th house and the karak is family or
2nd house which is Artha sthan and the mool karak is 9th house which is
Dharma sthan.
Same way for say 10th house which is Artha the karak is Dharma and Mool
karak is Moksh which is 12th house.
Therefore for 10th house i.e. the artha on physical plane, the status is
controlled by Karak which is 5th house which is Dharma on mental plane and
the status of that is controlled or the mool karak is Moksh on spiritual
Then, you can then expand this theory by using the Kalpurush chart.
10th house is Capricorn (shani) and the karak is denoted by Sun (Leo) and
the mool karak is Guru (pisces).
For marriage, 7th house is for wife (Venus) and Karak is Taurus i.e. 2nd
house (Venus) which denotes family and mool Karak is Guru (Sag) i.e 9th
house so that is father / teacher / sanchit karm. In various texts you will
see that status of Venus and Guru Bal is checked so that is status of Karak
and condition of mool karak.
Upchaya Theory for next level of depth.
For Dharma sthan the 3rd, 6th, 10th and 11th are Kama and Artha. 3rd is
kam, 6th is arth, 10th is arth and 11th is kam. Then from Karak sthan i.e.
8th house 3rd is artha , 1st is dharma, 5th house is dharma and 6th is
Now Common from 1st and 8th are 6th and 10th house i.e. 2 artha sthan.
Therfore these 2 houses are very special as they are upchaya or house of
growth from phal and karak sthan.
Same way for Arth sthan are triggered by kam sthan for kam sthan the
triggers are moksh and for moksh the trigger is dharma.
In standard texts its given that good results are to be experienced in the
antra of trines i.e. 5th and 9th and that is because for 12th house which is
moksh is triggered as both 5th and 9th are dharma and are upchaya for 12th
and also the karak which is 7th house.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Correct Prediction - Marriage Timing With KAS Calculation (Power of KAS)
Dear Guruji and Group,
Back on 24th Feb 2003, there was a query posed on another list, in which the data was give of a lady who was having difficulty in getting married.
Back then I had given the calculation and had given the date that, that lady would get married between 25th May and 7th June 2005.
While I was searching for some data, I came across that old post and no feedback was given. So I had sent an email yesterday, requesting the Gentleman to give me feedback on what came of that prediction.
The Gentleman Confirmed that the Lady did get married in Feb 2005. So I was 3 months off.
I had sent am email requesting to confirm the outcome as it had been 2 years.
Here is the confirmation.
Quote Begin.
Dear Sri Ash ji
I checked up with the family for the marriage date and they confirmed that the marriage of the girl did take place during February 2005, which more or less coincides with the prediction mae by you.
With regards
----- Original Message -----
From: "ashsam73"
To: "S.Gopal"
Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2008 8:25 AM
Subject: Re: help needed
Dear Mr S. Gopal ji,
Can you please give feedback reading this chart that was posted and my analysis that was done.
I would appreciate it,
Thanking you,
Best Regards,
--- In vedic-astrology@
> Dear Gurus and seniors on the list,
> Here is the case of a girl struggling for her marriage.
> her DOB: 15 Feb 1978
> TOB: 1515 hours IST
> POB: Madras(India)
> I find that the following planets are involved: Sun(debilitated in
> Moon(second lord) posited in 12th house and exalted, Mecury(lagna
> lord) posited in the bad house of 8, Jupiter (7th lord in Lagna) weak,
> Saturn(Current Dasa Lord) weak.
> I would request the experts to analyse the chart and suggest suitable
> parihaarams covering all the planets involved, and I feel that this
> has a good chance of getting married towards the end of this
> year(2003) itself. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> S.Gopal
Quote End
Prediction on Feb 24th , 2003
Quote begin.
Mon Feb 24, 2003 3:40 pm
Re: help needed
Dear Gopal,
My feeling is that this native will get married between May 25 - June
7th 2005.
Mercury antra will give marriage and since it is in sign of shani it
will push it to last 1/3rd portion of the sub. Sun at that time
would be transitting sign/constellation of Venus and Moon.
These are the total Ashtakavarga points for 7th house
Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa
9 24 11 17 10 31 10
The antra previous to Mercury were
ps : Any points under 12 that antra is not favourable for marriage.
Rahu/Sat - Sat has 10 points
Rahu/Jup - Jup has 10 points
Rahu/Mer - Mer has 17 points and its lord of 4th house and eager to
give result.
This is my attempt at the chart.
All the best.
Thanking you,
Cheers !!!
--- In vedic-astrology@
> Dear Gurus and seniors on the list,
> Here is the case of a girl struggling for her marriage.
> her DOB: 15 Feb 1978
> TOB: 1515 hours IST
> POB: Madras(India)
> I find that the following planets are involved: Sun(debilitated in
> Moon(second lord) posited in 12th house and exalted, Mecury(lagna
> posited in the bad house of 8, Jupiter (7th lord in Lagna) weak,
> Saturn(Current Dasa Lord) weak.
> I would request the experts to analyse the chart and suggest
> parihaarams covering all the planets involved, and I feel that
this girl
> has a good chance of getting married towards the end of this year
> itself. Please correct me if I am wrong.
> S.Gopal
Quote End.
Cheers !!!
Ash -> http://www.ashtro.