Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Explaining Laghu Parasari using KAS - Verse 9

Laghu Parasari says

" 9. Lord of the 8th house (Randhresh) by virtue of being the 12th
(Vyayesh) from the 9th (Bhagyesha) does not produce good results; but
if he happens to be the lord of the Ascendant/Ascendant and occupies
the 1st or the 8th house, he becomes benefic."


1) 12th lord from House B is not conducive to House B.

2) As per the above scenario, the exception is given where its said
that if the 8th lord i.e. 12th from 9th is also lagna lord or posted
in lagna then he becomes a benefic.

Now lord of 8th and 1st can only be Mars or Venus and that too for
Libra and Aries lagna. So if Venus is in Taurus and Mars is in Sco
then they become benefic.

So For both cases LoE is in House B for B = 8. So better results of
8th house.

Also in both cases i.e. Aries lagna and Libra lagna 9th and 6th lords
are same.

Cheers !!!
Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca