Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Explaining Laghu Parasari using KAS - Verse 6

Laghu prarasarai says

" 6. All the planets owning Trines, i.e. the 1st, 5th and 9th Houses
by signs produce uniformly good results, whether they are benefics or
malefics. If they own the Trick houses, i.e. the 3rd, 6th and 11th
houses by signs, they are always disposed towards evil."


1st 5th and 9th are good irrsepective the are owned by benefics or
malefics as in all cases of 5th and 9th they will trigger 12th apart
from other house too.

Now only Me and Ju might own 9th and 6th.

Ve and Ma might own 1st and 6th together so sco lagna or taurus lagna

no planet can own 3rd and 5th or 11th and 9th.

Now in KAS we would go into further detail using Ashtakavarga to judge
more closely who will the planet behave more like. Krushanji has
given that for Mars and Venus especially when owning 6th house one
must study the same keenly.

Now this part is not covered in the write up in laghu parasari or the
expectation is that one must know these things as fundamentals of
Astrology as its given or indicated in the first few verses.

The same or similar thing with the next verse where they say about
planets owning trine and 3-6-11 simultaneously.

Now, take Saturn and aries lagna so Sa will own 10th and 11th house.
So Sa is not necessarily bad for all events. For 10th house it will
become B and A for 3rd house so it will give hard work it will become
C for 6th and D for 1st and E for 5th.

Similarly Sa owning 3rd and 4th house so again you can study using
ABCDE theory and it need not be the case that Sa is bad or evil. Take
Sco lagna and Sa in 4th house then as per VA its sasa mahapurush yog.

Cheers !!!
Ash -> http://www.ashtro. ca